Friday, December 25, 2009

27 of them total

Top one is Mr. Ton Ton McSpiteful.  He is made of leather.
Many of the others are to be named soon.
Zeke, Lucy, Tahiti, Lola are names of some of these thus far. 
What are you guys up to?
All I want for Christmas is my Macbook back.


  1. Wow!! love these! especially leather one, his name fits perfectly. have you ever used the name Milton before? i think that would be a great name for a sock creature.

    been having fun hanging with my family, have a couple days off of work which is nice. i've been slacking on posting stuff, will start up again after all the Christams stuff is over.

    hope you get your mackbook back, that's gotta be heart-wrenching!

  2. It IS heart wrenching. Perfect word.
    Today... I got my empty Macbook back. I am starting fresh...

  3. Mr. Ton Ton McSpiteful looks like he's up to no good... a scoundrel :) I like these little guys. Jeupq likes them too. He wants to meet them and have a play date. Though im not so sure about Mr. Ton Ton he might be a bad influence on my little Jeupq. Mischievous little sprite!

    Hooray for a fresh start. I'm glad you got your Macbook back. Sorry it had to come back empty.

    If you make a creature named Milton you should make another one named Bradley then they can be friends :)

    Hope Christmas and time at home in IN were awesome and refreshing to your soul. Family has a way of recharging us yes.

    Love you Berly!
